Originaires du sud de Londres, The Maccabees (référence au livre des Maccabbés, présent dans la Bible), est un groupe pop rock indépendant formé en 2003. Ils sortent leur premier EP en 2004 "You make noise, I make sandwiches" (Haircut Records). Celui-ci passera inaperçu dans le petit monde surchargé de la pop rock indé britannique du moment. C'est en 2005, après moult concerts et singles, qu'ils se font remarquer et signent un single avec le label Friction Records (Universal): "First Love". Deux albums verront ensuite le jour: "Colour it in" (2004, Friction Records) et "Wall of arms" (2007, Friction Records), ils seront respectivement classés 24 et 13 dans les charts britanniques.
Le groupe revient aujourd'hui avec un album qui risque fort de faire parler de lui: "Given to the Wild" (2012, Friction Records). Parmi les petites perles de ce dernier opus, on peut noter "Feel to follow", "Went away" et "Pelican". Et puis parce qu'il est plus efficace d'écouter plutôt que d'en parler, voici un extrait. Amateurs de Radiohead, Milestone, Grizzly Bear ou autres Cold War Kids, tendez l'oreille.
Pelican (The Maccabees)
"So soon we're too old to carry
We knew we only had a little while
In the middle keep ticking over
Before you know it, parent a parent
To have it all and still want more
One things for sure we're all getting older
So we take a lover waiting in the corner
Before you know it, pushing up the daisies
And we go back to where we came from
Like those before and those to come
And know its the ever and the more
And again and again and again
In the end nothing comes easy
So you find a way to take a little with you
For the ones you love, there if they need to
Pharaoh, they're not coming with you.
And we go back to where we came from
Like those before and those to come
And know its the ever and the more
And again and again and again
So soon we're too old to carry
We knew we only had a little while
In the middle keep ticking over
Before you know it, parent a parent
And we go back to where we came from
Like those before and those to come
And know its the ever and the more
And again and again and again "
Plus d'infos: http://www.themaccabees.co.uk/